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gucci outlet  Vultures have been implicated in controllingrabies and anthrax and predatory fish in controlling malaria and allowing lakesto soak up more carbon dioxide through similar mechanisms, the researchersreport. They list more. "They put them all together in one place and allof a sudden it's an eye-opener and you say, 'Oh my god, look at this,'"Kareiva said.  As some of these examples highlight, reintroducing toppredators reverses the changes caused by their loss. "The world can befixed in many cases. I think that's the good news," said study lead authorJim Estes.

On the other hand, sometimes the changesare a one-way street and the systems change in ways that prevent recovering tothe same point, even if the top-of-the-food-chain animals are reintroduced."I'm not proposing that we reintroduce big predators to the wholeworld," Estes added. "I think the point of this is that we need tothink about these things as we think about the whole future of the world andhow we manage our resources."

For one thing, the findings suggest adifferent way of looking at conservation. "For the last 20 years, much ofconservation has focused on biodiversity hotspots," Kareiva said."That means you make an inventory of what lives in a place and you protectplaces that have the most species living in them."

  guccishoes The new paper suggests anew approach might work better, he said. "The issue is not where do themost species live, but what are the apex consumers and what do they need tosurvive." HOUSTON – The shuttle Atlantis' astronauts were roused fromtheir sleep tonight (July 14) to deal with a glitch that affected one of theirorbiter's onboard computers. The spaceflyers were able to successfully transferthe computer's programs onto a backup, and will get some extra time to sleep intomorrow as a result.The shuttle astronauts were awakened by an alert tone at6:07 a.m. EDT (2207 GMT), signaling a failure with one of Atlantis' GeneralPurpose Computers (GPCs). The glitchy computer runs Atlantis' systemsmanagement and mission controllers walked shuttle commander Chris Fergusonthrough the process of transferring its programs onto one of the shuttle'sbackups.The space shuttle carries five onboard computers for redundancy, withone always designated asa backup. The four other computers work together tomake up the orbiter's primary computer systems, NASA officials said. [Photos:NASA's Last Shuttle Mission in PicturesDuring non-critical times on orbit, theshuttle typically operates using two f the four available primary workstations.


Par wangcx84004 le mardi 19 juillet 2011


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